
posted on: Saturday 25 January 2014

eighteen // after months searching for a white moleskine, i finally found one randomly.
nineteen // new shelf & new plant.
twenty // new (and only) light fitting.
twenty one // where i'd rather be on rainy dark mornings.
twenty two // shelf in my bedroom & new cacti.
twenty three // my assignment is due in next wednesday so i have been spending the week taking photographs, putting off researching artists & watching a lot of parks & rec.
twenty four // a couple of colour coordinated books & my mini soft leather bible on the shelf. i really want some bell jars (hurhur 'the bell jar' is there) for the shelves & some nice looking candles to display.

it's the week before my deadline is due so i've spent the week photographing, editing, typing and finally getting microsoft word back on my macbook. i'll share the twenty six images from my assignment when i've submitted it next wednesday. i'm also going on a field trip to the tate on tuesday before going to see city & colour (major flail) in manchester. other than that, i'm preparing myself for a art history essay i'm going to be writing next month.


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