oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree.

posted on: Monday, 3 December 2012

after lending my fairy lights to my school for our prom and never getting them back (grr), i nipped down to taskers - and then in to town to get my mum's christmas present - before i got down to decorating my tree.
decorating the tree really is when christmas starts getting real for me. don't get me wrong, i'm festive before hand, but the christmas tree really just sets the mood. am i right!?
last year we changed our "theme" to navy and silver/white, and we stuck with the same theme this year as black is pretty much identical to navy in dim lighting. the only time we stray from those colours in relation to the tree is in terms of sentimental baubles - such as a tiny wooden red bird we've had since i was a baby and our commemorative max picture thing (he died around christmas time in 2010).

have you started decorating; are you a christmas crazy or a seasonal scrooge? 


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