a peek at my room.

posted on: Wednesday, 19 December 2012

just thought i'd share some pictures of my room. i love interior design and love seeing pictures of rooms in people's houses.



  1. It's very quirky and organized, I like it a lot! I especially like your Bon Iver picture (they are my favorite band). :)


    1. thankyou! although, i can't say it's this clean 100% of the time ;)

      oh yes, the bon iver print was free with their vinyl from a few years back - i couldn't take it down when i redecorated my room, i love it too much.

  2. I agree, your room looks nice and clean. I love it when my room is clean and wish I could keep it that way all the time... but it's just impossible, haha. I really like the leaf (is it the same one from your profile pic?). If I remember I'll collect leaves next fall and decorate my walls with them!

    1. it is the same leaf, it was the only one that wasn't mushy and it was the only leaf i collected all autumn. i didn't want to just put it in a book and forget about it because i love the colours so i just decided to display it! i'd love to see if you do it next year :)

  3. I love posts of other people's rooms, I'm so nosy haha. Your room's absolutely beautiful, it's eclectic without being forced or looking shabby. Is that a vinyl collection too?? xx

    1. ah thankyou! it is - mostly passed on from my dad, but there are several i've bought, too! the most interesting ones are the ones where people have written their name/notes on the cover, i love them!
