well, look at that.

posted on: Sunday, 7 April 2013

here i am again, with a whole day to myself. (which seems to be very rare as of late) and if anybody is still actually checking this ol' desertland blog, i applaud you, because i sure haven't.
besides sleeping and working, i haven't been doing much else. i picked up my camera today for the first time in what seemed like years and i actually got up, dressed and left the house to go somewhere other than work.
instead of apologising for my lack of care towards TRF, i thought instead i'd let you know what i've been up to.

-my glasses frame has snapped and it's holding on for it's dear life. i've bought a pair of frames off ebay and i am going to try and get my optician to just fit my prescription into them, instead of having to pay for some manky opticians glasses (it's so rare if i can find some that i like)
-i've finally got round to booking my contact lens check up, i haven't been since october last year and haven't worn them since before christmas. hopefully i'll be able to get a new make so my eyes don't burn like they're on fire whenever i wear contacts.
-i'm getting my hair cut this coming week. huge news for me; i never get my hair cut as it's always ruined. i've researched a hairdressers specifically for curly hair, so hopefully my hair will be better than ever.
-i've stopped using my blog twitter and have gone back to using my original twitter, which you can follow here if you are at all interested in reading about my mundane life on-the-go.
-i am loving my new job; although it is tiring, i'm really enjoy being busy and making friends. i'm praying that i get through the 13 week probation period, i'm five weeks in and i'm still getting used to it.
-i'm spending the rest of my day off watching moonrise kingdom and poirot.

as you can tell; there's not been much of anything at all to blog about. hopefully once i get used to working more regularly and it gets warmer, i'll start doing more things and fingers crossed, the activity on this blog will increase.

i hope you all have a lovely week, i miss you all.


  1. You'll have to post the pictures from your camera when you've developed them :)
    Good luck with the haircut & really glad to hear the job is going well!
    Kaz x

  2. I'm here reading : ) I hope you have a great day! I love your blog <3

