
posted on: Wednesday, 28 November 2012

hi! i'm anna; instagramming coffee nut with a weakening for witty one liners. i'm a textbook infj and find blogging on my minuscule space on the interweb as the perfect way to say what's on my mind. :)

formerly therosyfreckle.wordpress.com, i wanted to switch over to blogger as i feel that wordpress is just too advanced for my little lifestyle blog. i'm still trying to find a way to automatically redirect my wordpress followers to this new url and hopefully transfer my posts over here. 

i left school (sixth form) at the end of the last academic school year with two (bad) a levels and now i'm stuck figuring out my future/trying to get into college. i'm trying to become more courageous - which is hard being an infj - and start living my life positively. 

i'd love this blog to not only document my life, but also be a place full of niceness on the internet; somewhere for creative juices to flow and ideas to be shared and encouraged. 

thanks for dropping by, why not introduce yourself? 



  1. I love that pic ! Welcome to blogging I love it I'm sure you will too xx

    1. thanks! yes, i hope so :) i'm looking forward to getting into blogging and the whole community! X
