all work, no play.

posted on: Tuesday, 26 March 2013

over the past few weeks, i have been working pretty much all the time. my hours are starting to settle down now, and i have more free time during the day.
today is actually my day off, and i had planned to go into town and take some photos, but i've had a rotten sore throat for the past few days, causing me to lose my voice so when i woke up this morning, having a lazy-not-speaking day seemed perfect.
the photo above is from the sunrise i got to watch on my way to work for a breakfast shift. it was actually freezing cold that morning (and the next morning brought snow).
i'm hoping to get my blogging mojo back over the next few days, and i will be making much more of an effort to be present on therosyfreckle - i have missed it so.

3:16 day.

posted on: Monday, 18 March 2013

"for god loved the world so much, he gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."john 3:16

happy monday everyone!


posted on: Thursday, 14 March 2013

i can only apologise for being missing for so long and explain why. last wednesday, i started training for a new job and have been in work pretty much six hours everyday since then, bar sunday. i'll hopefully get back to blogging once i've got my rota and have settled into a new routine.

most of you probably didn't even notice/care that i was gone, but i wanted to clarify where i was. have a lovely weekend, everyone! :)

on my wall.

posted on: Tuesday, 5 March 2013

i found this lennon-mccartney card in whsmith last week and bought it immediately. of course i had no intention to send it to anyone and now it is stuck on my wall above the fireplace in my room. 


posted on: Monday, 4 March 2013

this weekend, i went to bala in wales with my church. it was such a wonderful weekend and monday came about way too fast. i loved getting to know people better and feel i have grown as a person massively.
we had four sessions about discipleship and leadership which were very inspiring and on sunday we had a communion service. there was a lot of free time to spend with people and talk or play games and meal times were also a lovely way to spend time with people.
the weekend has made me grow as a christian and also form new relationships with people at my church.

i hope you all had a lovely weekend

i spent some money.

posted on: Friday, 1 March 2013

i got paid on thursday, and as soon as the money went into my bank account, i was off to the shops. no, this is not going to be a haul - ermergersh look what i bought - post, it's more of a look at what i spend my money on. 

i'm currently on a gap year and will be working for all of it; earning my own money. i'm in a very lucky position - i don't paid for accommodation, food, electricity etc, all i need to worry about is not owing the bank any money and that's only happened twice (which i think is pretty good). but that doesn't mean i want to just blow all my money as soon as i get it. 

hopefully, i will always be able to be putting away a percentage of my wage into a savings account. i will probably end up using it to pay for some of university because it's ridiculously expensive, but i like knowing that if my bank account says £0.00 at the end of the month, i still have a bank account with something in it. 

a lot of my money is spent on magazines; elle decoration, oh comely and other arty publications that catch my eye. i like these types of magazines because they make me feel creative - not mindnumb like celebrity gossip ones do (i've luckily learned not to care about celebrities at a young-ish age) - and remind me that life can be full of individuality, creativeness and free spirit, not just run of the mill.

i also spend money on cosmetics and skincare. i literally have five foundations on the go because i just haven't found a perfect one (blaming my skin not the makeup necessarily), i'm trying to be more kind to my skin, to use good products that are good in the long run rather than instant results.

in march, i'm going to write down everything i buy; from food to clothes, i'm going to make a note of it and then at the end of the month, i'll be able to evaluate my spending in more detail. hopefully, my quest for minimalism will help me cut down on the spending not only from april, but maybe in march too - do i really need to buy this? - and maybe by the end of april, i'll have more than £0.04 in my bank account.